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On the Bright Side...

Graduation season is upon us and in May our 25-year-old daughter graduated from law school. Three short years ago I wrote about her undergrad graduation and 7 years ago, high school. As a mom, this makes me very nostalgic. However, this graduation seemed unique and different. I got the privilege of sitting behind her and participating in a hooding ceremony.

This month feels like a rekindling of my Empty Nest Syndrome. I’ve been reminiscing and grieving. Her first “real” job starts 9/1 after the Bar Exam. She is my “bright side” thinker. Whenever she faces a challenge, struggle, or set-back, she will end our conversation with a simple, yet mindset shifting statement… “BUT on the bright side”. As a coach, I love this phrase! The power to shift from the glass half empty to half full is powerful.

This leads me to analyzing my empty nest thoughts with these questions, perhaps they will help you as well.

  • Looking back, what “bright side” moments can I identify even when I struggled as a parent?

  • When I am struck with fear of the unknown in this new season, what “bright side” thoughts help keep me moving forward?

  • If my adult children are struggling, how can I help them see the “bright side” of their circumstance?

  • Even when I don’t agree with my adult children’s decisions, how can I pivot and find my “bright side” thought?

  • What scripture will support me when I need a “bright side” moment as I move into this new season?

  • What “bright side” moments are ahead for my husband and myself?

Now it’s your turn! Practice this exercise for yourself.

In this new transition, here is what I know. No matter how old my children are, the “bright side” is that God chose me to be their mother and for that I am eternally grateful. Stay tuned for more content about finding joy as an empty nester! If you, too, are in a season of transition and are searching for your new path in life, please reach out for a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Session. I’m here for you.



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